We use cookies to make your experience better

You can see below the cookies we collect and what information they store. You can find more information on cookies and on our our privacy policy on our Privacy Policy page.

Standard Cookies

.AspNet.Cookies ASP.NET Cookie is a small bit of text that is used to store below user-specific information
  • ClaimTypes.Name - Used to maintain the user Authentication
  • ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier – Used to validate the Anti Forgery Token Identity
ASP.NET_SessionId ASP.Net_SessionId is a cookie which is used to identify the users session on the server.
AWSELB AWSELB is a Load balancer cookie store the information of the server responded for the first request from an IP address to be responded by the same server for all subsequent requests.
__RequestVerificationToken_ This is an anti-forgery token (prevent CSRF attack). It guarantees that the poster is the one who gets the form.